

A. Life-long Learning :

A1.   Learning for Success (50 hours)

A2.   Learning to Think (50 hours)

A3.   Becoming a 21st Century Educator (50 hours)

A4.   Leadership at Work (50 hours)

A5.   Enlightened Parenthood (50 hours)

A6.   The Pursuit of Happiness (50 hours)

B. The Hexagon of Success :

B1.   Leadership 101: Lead and not follow (10 hours)

B2.   Futurology 101: Anticipating the Future (10 hours)

B3.   Decision Making 101: Taking Better Decisions (10 hours)

B4.   Creativity 101: Everyday Creativity (10 hours)

B5.   Ethics 101: Nurturing an Ethical Mind (10 hours)

B6.   Innovation 101: Becoming a Serial Innovator (10 hours)

C. The Long Tail :

C1.   Asking the Right Questions? (1 hour)

C2.   21st Century Learning Skills (10 hours)

C3.   Learning Analytics (10 hours)

C4.   The Art and Technology of Digital Story Telling (1 hour; 10 hours; 30 hours)

C5.   Pre-natal, Neo-natal and Pre-School Learning (1 hour; 10 hours; 30 hours)

C6.   Quantum Computing: The next Frontier (1 hour; 10 hours; 30 hours)

C7.   21st Century Managers Toolkit (100 hours)

C8.   The Edupreneurs Toolkit (100 hours)

C9.   From ‘No’ English to ‘Know’ English (100 hours)

C10. Academic Skills for 21st Century Higher Education (100 hours)

C11.MSI (Measures, Scales and Instruments) for Creativity, Innovation, Learning, Information Literacy,
        Financial Literacy etc.
(130 hours)

Flagship Lecture / Talk :

1.   An Investment in Education is the best option (1 hour)

“The recent financial crises have had a chastening effect on investors. Even real estate does not always give great return. It was the erosion of real estate value that triggered the present crisis. Participants in the talk will get Blue Ocean Strategic ideas in the field of education enterprises.”

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Mentoring Programmes :

1.   Enhancing your Natural Brilliance.

2.   Demonstrating your Managerial competence.

3.   Improving your English Language Skills.

4.   Proving your Mathematical Abilities.

5.   Supporting your Children's Learning.